Use this Endpoint to get all Members of your AdvocateHub
Note: If you would like to use the query capabilities of this endpoint please reach out to and we can turn this feature on for you.
In terms of using the query feature, if you would like to query by 'Company' for example you would add the query q[company]=Corp Inc to return all Advocates with a value for Company of 'Corp Inc'.
Note: This endpoint will only return Joined members. It does not return members in the 'Invite List' of your AdvocateHub[company]=Corp Inc
Possible Profile Fields include:
- name
- company
- title
These also work for your Custom Profile Fields. If you have a Custom Profile Field called 'Location' your query would be q[location]=Toronto to return all Advocates with a location of 'Toronto'.[location]=Toronto
*You must use the API Name of the Custom Field. For example, if your Custom Field is called 'Active Customer' then the API Name would be 'active_customer'
Also, it is possible to query by Group UUID in order to return Advocates who are in a particular group and to this it would look something like q[group]=5aad58b6-9098-4f39-ab1e-f7dfdccfc27a[group]=5aad58b6-9098-4f39-ab1e-f7dfdccfc27a
Finally, you can string queries together so, if you want to find all Advocates who work for Corp In and who are located in Toronto (assuming your Custom Profile Field is. called 'Location') your query would look like q[company]=Corp Inc&q[location]=Toronto.[company]=Corp Inc&q[location]=Toronto