Use a CSV to upload events and acts of advocacy in bulk. Useful when migrating activities to Influitive and doing mass point updates.

Importing Custom Event in the AdvocateHub

Note: If you use an email that doesn't exist in your AdvocateHub then we will create a profile for them while logging the event.

You must create a custom event and supply the event code with each request. Please refer to the below article for instructions on setting up Custom Events in your AdvovcateHub:

Configuring an API integrated stage into a challenge (Optional)

If you'd like your event to progress a challenge refer to the below article for instructions on setting up Custom Events in your AdvovcateHub that progress challenges:

Event CSV file

File template can be found here

identifierstring, optional column. an Unique identifier for event which is used to address the event, prevent duplicates
email*string, required column. Email of the member you are logging points for
event_code*string, required column. The API code for the custom event created in the AdvocateHub
points*number, required column. Points that are to be awarded to the member. If a stage code is provided, members will earn the number of points configured into the challenge.
stage_codestring, optional column. The "stage code" for an api integrated stage in a challenge. The member must be able to perform the stage for the challenge to progress. The stage code is optional as events and points can be recognized without having a corresponding stage within a challenge.
advocacy_typestring, optional column. The code of the advocacy type you want to create. A complete list can be found here
contentstring, optional column. The details of the what the contact did that will be displayed in the Influitive app and anywhere Acts of Advocacy are connected to.
source_titlestring, optional column. The name of where this advocacy happened used as they hyperlink text for the source_url
source_urlstring, optional column. Link to the source of where this advocacy happened (Must include "https://...")
occurred_atdate, optional column. The Date the advocacy happened, the format is year, month, day ie. 2022-10-18. If not provided, the date will be today's date

Note: You cannot send advocacy along with stage parameter

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!