Utilize AdvocateAnywhere APIs directly to customimze the experience for your advocates.

You can use the AdvocateAnywhere API directly to retrieve information on challenges that are targeted to advocates using AdvocateAnywhere.

There are two ways to retrieve challenges targeted to AdvocateAnywhere:

  • Specifying a URL - If you pass a url parameter to the API, Influitive will locate challenges associated with that URL (configured by editing the challenge)
  • Specifying challenge ids - If you pass a comma-delimited list of challenge ids through the challenge_ids parameter, Influitive will directly fetch those challenges, ignoring any URL targeting rules specified on those challenges.


Targeting Gotchas

Regardless of the method you use to retrieve challenges from the AdvocateAnywhere API, the challenge must be targeted to "AdvocateAnywhere".

As well, the challenge must be targeted to the correct audience. If you are not specifying information on the advocate in question, the challenge must be targeted at "Nominees".

The data returned from this endpoint contains general information about the advocate in question, your advocate program, and the challenges that you requested:

challengesContains information on the challenges requested (details below)
contactInformation on the contact who requested these challenges. If information on an advocate was not specified, or the advocate was not found, this will return null.
X-CSRF-TokenA CSRF token to be supplied with any challenge completion information. If you plan to submit challenge completions using AdvocateAnywhere, please contact Influitive for assistance (this is not currently a documented or supported operation).
X-CommunityThe name of your advocate program
X-ColorThe "primary color" of your advocate program.
X-LogoThe logo of your advocate program.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!