Award Points for actions that happen outside of Influitive. Can also be used to advance challenges or log acts of advocacy
Note: If you use an email that doesn't exist in your AdvocateHub then we will create a profile for them while logging the event.
Creating a Custom Event in the AdvocateHub
You must create a custom event and supply the event code with each request. Please refer to the below article for instructions on setting up Custom Events in your AdvovcateHub:
Configuring an API integrated stage into a challenge (Optional)
If you'd like your event to progress a challenge refer to the below article for instructions on setting up Custom Events in your AdvovcateHub that progress challenges:
Advocacy Object Details
- advocacy_type - string, required field. The code of the advocacy type you want to create. A complete list can be found here
- content - string, required field. The details of the what the contact did that will be displayed in the Influitive app and anywhere Acts of Advocacy are connected to.
- source_title - string, required field. The name of where this advocacy happened used as they hyperlink text for the source_url
- source_url - string, required field. Link to the source of where this advocacy happened (Must include "https://...")
- occurred_at - date, optional field. The Date the advocacy happened, the format is year, month, day ie. 2022-10-18. If not provided, the date will be today's date
Note: You cannot send advocacy along with stage parameter